Monday, August 29, 2016

Trump to Clinton: Show me your medical records and I'll show you mine

Tax returns? Nope. Health records? Sure.

Donald Trump called on Hillary Clinton to release "detailed medical records" in a tweet Sunday. The Republican nominee for president said he was willing to release his records as well.
"I have no problem in doing so!" Trump said. "Hillary?"

Although Clinton received a clean bill of health from her doctor, found some conservative websites circulated fake medical records for the Democratic nominee. (Clinton's physician, whose name appears on the fake documents, confirmed their falsity.)
Still, Trump stoked the rumors' flames with his post Sunday evening. His allies had also questioned Clinton's health in recent days.
The only medical information Trump has released so far is a four-paragraph letter written by Trump's doctor and released in December. Clinton's letter from her doctor was more detailed and spanned two pages.
Trump's doctor, Harold Bornstein, confirmed to NBC News that he wrote Trump's letter in just five minutes while a limo sent by Trump waited outside his office.
After Trump's call for a mutual release of medical records, some on Twitter questioned whether Trump was similarly willing release his tax records since Clinton released hers this month

Trump has so far refused to release tax returns while he is under audit, though the IRS has said nothing prevents him from doing so.

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